Having trouble finding a color scheme? Try getting inspiration from your closet. Who knows? Your wardrobe could hold the answers to your prayers. Here are a few examples from my favorite fashion blogs!!!
Courtesy of designer Monif C / www.refinery29.com
Courtesy of designer www.refinery29.com
Courtesy of jasiferlionsclub.blogspot.com
Courtesy of fashnlvr.blogspot.com
Courtesy of designer Igigi / www.afrobella.com
Courtesy of fashnlvr.blogspot.com
Courtesy of modcloth.com
Courtesy of creativeinfluences.blogspot.com
End Note:
Remember, everything in your home should reflect who you are and what you want to become. The color scheme that you choose is no exception and should be chosen carefully. You can also use your favorite art pieces or photographs to create color schemes. Visit "When no other hue will do, here's what to do..." and see how!!!